This is the very first version of the search engine, so it does not really come up to my expectations, namely not simply one more search engine on the web, but a specialized tool for Bantu languages that does not give too many results of poor relevance. In this version, Mutete does collect bantu data, but sometimes twice the same thing, or not always relevant to bantuistics. A selection and further details will be added in the next version. But already, in order to force you to be precise in your query, Mutete never provide you with more than 100 results, and not necessarily the more relevant ones, so that you are strongly advised to refine the query.
Mutete has the following search method: if you look for "wx yz" or "wx,yz"..., it considers automatically the query as "wx AND yz". It will print ONLY the results for "wx AND yz" (a max. of 100); If nothing, you will get the results for "wx" and for "yz" (a max. of 100). At last, if still nothing is found, you will get the results for "containing wx" and those for "containing yz" (a max. of 100).
If you know a page or a site (yours for instance) likely to be of interest to bantuists, and that is not yet known by Mutete, you can add it here. After checking, the validation will take effect with the next update. Thank you for this contribution.
Last updated: Saturday, 07-Jul-2007 20:00:33 CEST
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Jacky Maniacky |